
The heart and soul of ServerPackCreator. This is what's responsible for turning your modpacks into server packs.


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Core-package of ServerPackCreator.

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Mod-scanning to determine which mod can safely be excluded from a given modpack and therefor, soon to be server pack.

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Annotations for ServerPackCreator plugins. If you plan on adding additional entrypoints for plugins, make sure to extend from de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.plugins.BaseInformation and put your new annotation into a sub-package corresponding to the part of ServerPackCreator where it will hook into.

Plugin annotations which hook into the de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.ConfigurationHandler-class.

Plugin annotations which hook into the de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.ServerPackHandler-class.

Plugin annotations in the Swing-GUI of ServerPackCreator.

The utilities package holds classes and methods for various useful bits and pieces used all throughout ServerPackCreator. If any given method is helpful in multiple steps throughout the ServerPackCreator architecture, it usually belongs to one of the utility classes.

Common utilities used by various parts, projects, things, cheeseburgers. Mostly composed of smaller methods which are meant to do one and one thing only. Ya know, utilities.

The VersionMeta gives you access to various information about various modloaders, their versions, installers, compatibility and, of course, Minecraft itself.

Anything and everything related to the Fabric-modloader.

Anything and everything related to the Forge-modloader.

Anything and everything related to the LegacyFabric-modloader.

Anything and everything related to the Minecraft itself.

Anything and everything related to the Quilt-modloader.

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Read-utilities for mslinks

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Retrieved from DmitriiShamrikov/mslinks and altered for use in ServerPackCreator

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