Package-level declarations

Annotations for ServerPackCreator plugins. If you plan on adding additional entrypoints for plugins, make sure to extend from de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.plugins.BaseInformation and put your new annotation into a sub-package corresponding to the part of ServerPackCreator where it will hook into.

Annotations for ServerPackCreator plugins. If you plan on adding additional entrypoints for plugins, make sure to extend from de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.plugins.BaseInformation and put your new annotation into a sub-package corresponding to the part of ServerPackCreator where it will hook into.


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interface BaseInformation

Base information to be provided by every extension.

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class CustomPluginFactory : DefaultPluginFactory

Custom plugin factory to enforce plugins having a context in which they run.

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Thrown when any of the available extensions throw an error. *

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Force every extension to provide its ID.

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expect interface ExtensionPoint

The extension point interface should provide an entry point from which to expand plugins from. See the implementation in the JVM backend for an example with the pf4j-library.

actual typealias ExtensionPoint = org.pf4j.ExtensionPoint

Type alias to link the ExtensionPoint to org.pf4j.ExtensionPoint

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class PluginContext(runtimeMode: RuntimeMode)

Plugin context which provides a runtimeMode to plugins.

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abstract class ServerPackCreatorPlugin(val context: PluginContext) : Plugin, BaseInformation

A ServerPackCreator plugin provides additional functionality to ServerPackCreator via any of