Package-level declarations
The utilities package holds classes and methods for various useful bits and pieces used all throughout ServerPackCreator. If any given method is helpful in multiple steps throughout the ServerPackCreator architecture, it usually belongs to one of the utility classes.
Such utilities include, but are not limited to converting Strings to booleans, encapsulating each entry in a String list with quotation-marks, downloading files, copying files and folders from a JAR-file and so on and so forth.
Basically, whenever a method in any SeverPackCreator class becomes useful to multiple classes, it is usually moved into any already existing utility-class or a new one is added if no already-fitting one exists.
Just something fun to brighten the mood. This class provides a list of messages which some of you may know from the SimCity games. Thanks go out to MAXIS and Sim City, for the ridiculous messages these games contained. Additional thanks to Larsz for providing a list of all these messages on GameFAQs
Various methods to perform security-related scans, such as Nekodetector.
Minimalistic stopwatch to measure the elapsed time between operations.
Config check-listener executed during the checking of a given server pack configuration.
Post Generation listener executed after the server pack was generated.
Pre-Server Pack listener executed before a server pack is generated.
Pre ZIP-archive listener executed before a server pack ZIP-archive is created. Whether a ZIP-archive for a server pack is actually generated has no effect on whether this listener gets fired.