Package-level declarations

Plugin annotations in the Swing-GUI of ServerPackCreator.

Plugin annotations in the Swing-GUI of ServerPackCreator.


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Extension point for plugins which add additional javax.swing.JPanels in a given server pack tab, allowing users to customize server pack specific configurations of a plugin.

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expect abstract class ExtensionConfigPanel(versionMeta: VersionMeta, apiProperties: ApiProperties, utilities: Utilities, serverPackConfigTab: ServerPackConfigTab, pluginConfig: Optional<CommentedConfig>, extensionName: String, pluginID: String)

Configuration panel for a given plugins configuration in the context of a server pack configuration. An extension config panel should provide configuration options relevant to one server pack and one server pack only. Every server pack configuration will receive/store/load one config for your plugin's panel.

actual abstract class ExtensionConfigPanel : JPanel

Template ConfigPanel for use in {@link ConfigPanelExtension} extensions.

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expect abstract class ExtensionTab

An extension tab is a Java Swing component which adds another, plugin specific, tab to ServerPackCreators GUI. Said tab should provide the user with the ability to configure plugin-global settings, to be applied to every server pack generation run.

actual abstract class ExtensionTab(val versionMeta: VersionMeta, val apiProperties: ApiProperties, val utilities: Utilities, val pluginConfig: Optional<CommentedConfig>, val configFile: Optional<File>) : JPanel

Class to extend from if you want to add your own tabs to the ServerPackCreator GUI.

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Force every server pack configuration tab to provide a certain set of methods. Said set of methods give plugins access to various configurable values, such as

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Extension point for plugins which add additional tabs to the ServerPackCreator GUI.

Extension point for plugins which add additional javax.swing.JPanels as additional tabs to the ServerPackCreator GUI.