
@Plugin(name = "ServerPackCreatorConfigFactory", category = "Core")
class ApiProperties(propertiesFile: File = File("serverpackcreator.properties")) : ConfigurationFactory

Base settings of ServerPackCreator, such as working directories, default list of clientside-only mods, default list of directories to include in a server pack, script templates, java paths and much more.





serverpackcreator.properties-file containing settings and configurations to load the API with.


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constructor(propertiesFile: File = File("serverpackcreator.properties"))


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object Companion
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inner class CustomXMLConfiguration(loggerContext: LoggerContext?, configSource: ConfigurationSource?) : XmlConfiguration

Custom XmlConfiguration to pass our custom log4j2.xml config to log4j.


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Aikars Flags commonly used for Minecraft servers to improve performance in various places.

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val alphaBetaRegex: <Error class: unknown class>
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The version of the ServerPackCreator API.

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var clientsideMods: <Error class: unknown class>

String-list of clientside-only mods to exclude from server packs.

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Regex-list of clientside-only mods to exclude from server packs.

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Directory in which ServerPackCreator configurations from the GUI get saved in by default.

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The default Batch-template for the modded server start scripts. The file returned by this method does not represent the script-template in the server_files-directory. If you wish access the configured script templates inside the server_files-directory, use startScriptTemplates.

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Default configuration-file for a server pack generation inside ServerPackCreators home-directory.

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The default Batch-template for the java-install scripts. The file returned by this method does not represent the script-template in the server_files-directory. If you wish access the configured script templates inside the server_files-directory, use javaScriptTemplates.

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The default PowerShell-template for the java-install scripts. The file returned by this method does not represent the script-template in the server_files-directory. If you wish access the configured script templates inside the server_files-directory, use javaScriptTemplates.

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The default shell-template for the java-install scripts. The file returned by this method does not represent the script-template in the server_files-directory. If you wish access the configured script templates inside the server_files-directory, use javaScriptTemplates.

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The default PowerShell-template for the modded server start scripts. The file returned by this method does not represent the script-template in the server_files-directory. If you wish access the configured script templates inside the server_files-directory, use startScriptTemplates.

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Default server-icon.png-file used by Minecraft servers. This file resides in the server_files-directory inside ServerPackCreators home-directory.

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Default server.properties-file used by Minecraft servers. This file resides in the server_files-directory inside ServerPackCreators home-directory.

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The default shell-template for the modded server start scripts. The file returned by this method does not represent the script-template in the server_files-directory. If you wish access the configured script templates inside the server_files-directory, use startScriptTemplates.

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var directoriesToExclude: <Error class: unknown class>

Directories to exclude from a server pack.

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var directoriesToInclude: <Error class: unknown class>

Directories to include in a server pack.

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The filter method with which to determine whether a user-specified clientside-only mod should be excluded from the server pack. Available settings are:

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Fabric installer manifest containing information about available Fabric installers with which to install a server.

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The Fabric intermediaries manifest containing all required information about Fabrics intermediaries. These intermediaries are used by Quilt, Fabric and LegacyFabric.

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Fabric version manifest containing information about available Fabric loader versions.

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val fallbackDirectoriesExclusion: <Error class: unknown class>
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val fallbackDirectoriesInclusion: <Error class: unknown class>
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val fallbackPostInstallCleanupFiles: <Error class: unknown class>
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val fallbackPreInstallCleanupFiles: <Error class: unknown class>
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Whether the fallback lists for clientside-mods and whitelisted mods have been updated.

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val fallbackZipExclusions: <Error class: unknown class>
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Only the first call to this property will return true if this is the first time ServerPackCreator is being run on a given host. Any subsequent call will return false. Handle with care!

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Forge version manifest containing information about available Forge loader versions.

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URL to the HasteBin server where logs and configs are uploaded to.

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val home: File

Default home-directory for ServerPackCreator. The directory containing the ServerPackCreator JAR.

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ServerPackCreators home directory, in which all important files and folders are stored in.

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val i18n4kConfig: I18n4kConfigDefault
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Directory in which the icons for quick selection are to be stored in and retrieved from.

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Caching directory for various types of installers. Mainly used by the version-meta for caching modloaders server installers, but also used as the ServerPackCreator installer cache-directory in certain scenarios.

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Is auto excluding of clientside-only mods enabled.

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Whether the search for available PreReleases is enabled or disabled. Depending on de.griefed.serverpackcreator.versioncheck.prerelease, returns true if checks for available PreReleases are enabled, false if no checks for available PreReleases should be made.

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Whether to automatically update the SPC_JAVA_SPC-placeholder in the script variables table with a Java path matching the required Java version for the Minecraft server.

Whether Minecraft pre-releases and snapshots are available to the user in, for example, the GUI.

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Whether cleanup procedures after server pack generation are enabled.

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Whether overwriting of already existing server packs is enabled.

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Whether a server pack should be updated instead of cleanly generated.

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Whether the exclusion of files from the ZIP-archive of the server pack is enabled.

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Java installation used for installing the modloader server during server pack creation.

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Paths to Java installations available to SPC for automatically updating the script variables of a given server pack configuration.

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Start-script templates to use during server pack generation. Each key represents a different template and script-type.

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Path to the PostgreSQL database used by the webservice-side of ServerPackCreator.

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Language used by ServerPackCreator.

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The LegacyFabric game version manifest containing information about which Minecraft version LegacyFabric is available for.

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LegacyFabric installer manifest containing information about available LegacyFabric installers with which to install a server.

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LegacyFabric loader manifest containing information about Fabric loader maven versions.

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Storage location for logs created by ServerPackCreator. This is the logs-directory inside ServerPackCreators home-directory.

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Directory to which default/fallback manifests are copied to during the startup of ServerPackCreator.

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Directory to which Minecraft server manifests are copied during the startup of ServerPackCreator.

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Minecraft version manifest containing information about available Minecraft versions.

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Modpacks directory in which uploaded modpack ZIP-archives and extracted modpacks are stored.

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var modsWhitelist: <Error class: unknown class>

String-list of mods to include if present, regardless whether a match was found through clientsideMods.

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Regex-list of mods to include if present, regardless whether a match was found throug clientsideModsRegex.

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New NeoForge version manifest containing information about available NeoForge loader versions. This manifest contains versions for Minecraft 1.20.2 and up.

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Old NeoForge version manifest containing information about available NeoForge loader versions. This manifest only contains versions for Minecraft 1.20.1.

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Overrides which, well, override, any property which may be set in the regular serverPackCreatorPropertiesFile.

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Directory in which plugin-specific configurations are stored in.

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Directory in which plugins for ServerPackCreator are to be placed in.

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var postInstallCleanupFiles: <Error class: unknown class>

List of files to delete after a server pack server installation.

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var preInstallCleanupFiles: <Error class: unknown class>

List of files to delete before a server pack server installation.

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Directory in which the properties for quick selection are to be stored in and retrieved from.

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Quilt installer manifest containing information about available Quilt installers with which to install a server.

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Quilt version manifest containing information about available Quilt loader versions.

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Directory in which default server-files are stored in.

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The serverpackcreator.properties-file which both resulted from starting ServerPackCreator and provided the settings, properties and configurations for the currently running instance.

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Directory in which generated server packs, or server packs being generated, are stored in, as well as their ZIP-archives, if created.

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val serverPacksRegex: <Error class: unknown class>
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Start-script templates to use during server pack generation. Each key represents a different template and script-type.

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protected val substitutor: StrSubstitutor
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Modloaders supported by ServerPackCreator.

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Temp-directory storing files and folders required temporarily during the run of a server pack generation or other operations.

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Base-directory for Tomcat, used by the webservice-side of ServerPackCreator.

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Logs-directory for Tomcat, used by the webservice-side of ServerPackCreator.

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val trueFalseRegex: <Error class: unknown class>
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The URL from which a .properties-file is read during updating of the fallback clientside-mods list. The default can be found in fallbackUpdateURL.

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Work-directory for storing temporary, non-critical, files and directories.

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var zipArchiveExclusions: <Error class: unknown class>

List of files to be excluded from ZIP-archives. Current filters are:


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fun acquireJavaPath(pathToJava: String? = null): String

Check the given path to a Java installation for validity and return it, if it is valid. If the passed path is a UNIX symlink or Windows lnk, it is resolved, then returned. If the passed path is considered invalid, the system default is acquired and returned.

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fun changeLocale(locale: Locale)

Writes the specified locale from -lang your_locale to a lang.properties file to ensure every subsequent start of serverpackcreator is executed using said locale.

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fun clientSideMods(): <Error class: unknown class>

Acquire the default fallback list of clientside-only mods. If de.griefed.serverpackcreator.serverpack.autodiscovery.filter is set to ExclusionFilter.REGEX, a regex fallback list is returned.

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Default map of start-script templates: sh, ps1, bat.

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Default list of script templates used by ServerPackCreator.

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Default map of start-script templates: sh, ps1, bat.

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open override fun getConfiguration(loggerContext: LoggerContext, source: ConfigurationSource): Configuration

Depending on whether this is the first run of ServerPackCreator on a users machine, the default log4j2 configuration may be present at different locations. The default one is the config inside the home-directory of SPC, of which we will try to set up our logging with. If said file fails for whatever reason, we will try to use a config inside the directory from which SPC was executed. Should that fail, too, the config from the classpath is used, to ensure we always have default configs available. Should that fail, too, though, log4j is set up with its own default settings.

open fun getConfiguration(loggerContext: LoggerContext, name: String, configLocation: URI): Configuration
open fun getConfiguration(loggerContext: LoggerContext, name: String, configLocation: URI, loader: ClassLoader): Configuration
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protected open fun getDefaultPrefix(): String
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protected open fun getInputFromString(config: String, loader: ClassLoader): ConfigurationSource
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The .exe or JAR-file of ServerPackCreator.

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The folder containing the ServerPackCreator.exe or JAR-file.

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The name of the .exe or JAR-file.

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The Java version used to run ServerPackCreator.

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Architecture of the operating system on which ServerPackCreator is running on.

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The name of the operating system on which ServerPackCreator is running on.

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The version of the OS on which ServerPackCreator is running on.

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protected open override fun getSupportedTypes(): Array<String>
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protected open fun getTestPrefix(): String
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protected open fun getVersion(): String
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protected open fun isActive(): Boolean
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fun isExe(): Boolean

Whether a .exe or JAR-file was used for running ServerPackCreator.

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Whether a viable path to a Java executable or binary has been configured for ServerPackCreator.

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fun javaPath(javaVersion: Int): Optional<String>
fun javaPath(javaVersion: String): <Error class: unknown class>

Get the path to the specified Java executable/binary, wrapped in an Optional for your convenience.

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fun loadOverrides(properties: File = overridesPropertiesFile)
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fun loadProperties(saveProps: Boolean = true)

Load properties using the default file path. Only call this method on an already initialized ApiProperties-object.

fun loadProperties(propertiesFile: File = File(serverPackCreatorProperties).absoluteFile, saveProps: Boolean = true)

Reload from a specific properties-file.

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Get the old version of ServerPackCreator used to perform necessary migrations between the old and the current version.

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Retrieve a custom property in the serverpackcreator.properties-file. Beware that every property you retrieve this way contains a prefix, to prevent clashes with any other properties.

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fun saveProperties(propertiesFile: File)

Store the ApplicationProperties to disk, overwriting the existing one.

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fun setOldVersion(version: String)

Set the old version of ServerPackCreator used to perform necessary migrations between the old and the current version.

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fun storeCustomProperty(property: String, value: String): String

Store a custom property in the serverpackcreator.properties-file. Beware that every property you add receives a prefix, to prevent clashes with any other properties.

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fun storePreference(pref: String, value: String)
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Update the fallback clientside-only mod-list of our serverpackcreator.properties from the main-repository or one of its mirrors.

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fun whitelistedMods(): <Error class: unknown class>

Acquire the default fallback list of whitelisted mods. If de.griefed.serverpackcreator.serverpack.autodiscovery.filter is set to ExclusionFilter.REGEX, a regex fallback list is returned.