
abstract class ServerPack<F, TS, TF>

Base-class for the de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.ServerPackHandler to ensure we have the most important methods for generating a server pack from a given configuration.





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protected val ending: <Error class: unknown class>
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protected val log: <Error class: unknown class>
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protected val modFileEndings: <Error class: unknown class>
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protected val variables: <Error class: unknown class>


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fun cleanupEnvironment(deleteZip: Boolean, packConfig: Pack<*, *, *>)
abstract fun cleanupEnvironment(deleteZip: Boolean, destination: String)

Deletes all files, directories and ZIP-archives of previously generated server packs to ensure newly generated server pack is as clean as possible. This will completely empty the server pack directory, so use with caution!

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fun cleanUpServerPack(packConfig: Pack<*, *, *>)

Cleans up the server_pack directory by deleting left-over files from modloader installations and version checking.

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fun copyFiles(packConfig: Pack<*, *, *>)
abstract fun copyFiles(modpackDir: String, inclusions: <Error class: unknown class><InclusionSpecification>, clientMods: List<String>, whitelist: List<String>, minecraftVersion: String, destination: String, modloader: String)

Copies all specified directories and mods, excluding clientside-only mods, from the modpack directory into the server pack directory. If a source/file;destination/file -combination is provided, the specified source-file is copied to the specified destination-file. One of the reasons as to why it is recommended to run a given ConfigurationModel through the ConfigurationHandler first, is because the ConfigurationHandler will resolve links to their actual files first before then correcting the given ConfigurationModel.

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fun copyIcon(packConfig: Pack<*, *, *>)
abstract fun copyIcon(destination: String, pathToServerIcon: String)

Copies the server-icon.png into server pack. The sever-icon is automatically scaled to a resolution of 64x64 pixels.

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fun copyProperties(packConfig: Pack<*, *, *>)
abstract fun copyProperties(destination: String, pathToServerProperties: String)

Copies the into server pack.

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fun createStartScripts(packConfig: Pack<*, *, *>, isLocal: Boolean)
abstract fun createStartScripts(scriptSettings: <Error class: unknown class><String, String>, destination: String, isLocal: Boolean)

Create start-scripts for the generated server pack using the templates the user has defined for their instance of ServerPackCreator in the property de.griefed.serverpackcreator.serverpack.script.template.

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abstract fun exclude(userSpecifiedExclusion: String, userSpecifiedModsWhitelist: List<String>, modsInModpack: TF)

Go through the mods in the modpack and exclude any of the user-specified clientside-only mods according to the filter method set in the For available filters, see ExclusionFilter.

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abstract fun excludeFileOrDirectory(modpackDir: String, fileToCheckFor: F, exclusions: List<<Error class: unknown class>>): Boolean

Check whether the given file or directory should be excluded from the server pack.

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abstract fun excludeMods(autodiscoveredClientMods: List<F>, modsInModpack: TF)

Exclude every automatically discovered clientside-only mod from the list of mods in the modpack.

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abstract fun excludeUserSpecifiedMod(userSpecifiedExclusions: List<String>, userSpecifiedModsWhitelist: List<String>, modsInModpack: TF)

Exclude user-specified mods from the server pack.

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abstract fun getDirectoryFiles(source: String, destination: String): List<ServerPackFile>

Recursively acquire all files and directories inside the given directory as a list of ServerPackFile.

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abstract fun getExplicitFiles(source: String, destination: String, modpackDir: String, serverPackDestination: String): MutableList<ServerPackFile>

Gather a list of all files from an explicit source;destination-combination. If the source is a file, a singular ServerPackFile is returned. If the source is a directory, then all files in said directory are returned.

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abstract fun getImprovedFabricLauncher(minecraftVersion: String, fabricVersion: String, destination: String)

Download and provide the improved Fabric Server Launcher, if it is available for the given Minecraft and Fabric version.

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fun getModsToInclude(packConfig: Pack<*, *, *>): List<F>
abstract fun getModsToInclude(modsDir: String, userSpecifiedClientMods: List<String>, userSpecifiedModsWhitelist: List<String>, minecraftVersion: String, modloader: String): List<F>

Generates a list of all mods to include in the server pack. If the user specified clientside-mods to exclude, and/or if the automatic exclusion of clientside-only mods is active, they will be excluded, too.

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abstract fun getSaveFiles(clientDir: String, directory: String, destination: String): List<ServerPackFile>

Recursively acquire all files and directories inside the given save-directory as a list of ServerPackFile.

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abstract fun getServerPackDestination(packConfig: Pack<*, *, *>): String

Acquire the destination directory in which the server pack will be generated. The directory in which the server pack will be created has all its spaces replaces with underscores, so Survive Create Prosper 4 - 5.0.1 would become Survive_Create_Prosper_4_-_5.0.1 Even though it is the year 2022, spaces in paths can and do still cause trouble. Such as for Powershell scripts. Powershell throws a complete fit if the path contains, we remove them. Better safe than sorry.

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abstract fun postInstallCleanup(destination: String)

Cleans up the server_pack directory by deleting left-over files from modloader installations and version checking.

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abstract fun preInstallationCleanup(destination: String)

Delete files and folders from previous installations to prevent errors during server installation due to already existing files.

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fun provideImprovedFabricServerLauncher(packConfig: Pack<*, *, *>)

Download and provide the improved Fabric Server Launcher, if it is available for the given Minecraft and Fabric version.

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abstract fun regexWalk(source: F, destination: String, regex: <Error class: unknown class>, serverPackFiles: MutableList<ServerPackFile>)

Walk through the specified directory and add a ServerPackFile for every file/folder which matches the given regex.

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fun replacePlaceholders(isLocal: Boolean, content: String, scriptSettings: <Error class: unknown class><String, String>): String

Replace placeholders for script settings in the given content with their respective values, both provided via the HashMap scriptSettings.

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abstract fun run(packConfig: PackConfig): Boolean

Create a server pack from a given instance of PackConfig.

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abstract fun serverDownloadable(mcVersion: String, modloader: String, modloaderVersion: String): Boolean

Check whether the installer for the given combination of Minecraft version, modloader and modloader version is available/reachable.

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fun zipBuilder(packConfig: Pack<*, *, *>)

Creates a ZIP-archive of the server pack previously generated. Depending on the property, files will be excluded. To customize the files which will be excluded, see the property

abstract fun zipBuilder(minecraftVersion: String, destination: String, modloader: String, modloaderVersion: String)

Creates a ZIP-archive of specified directory. Depending on the property, files will be excluded. To customize the files which will be excluded, the property must be configured accordingly. The created ZIP-archive will be stored alongside the specified destination, with appended to its name.