
fun copyFolderFromJar(classToRetrieveHomeFor: Class<*>, directoryToCopy: String, destinationDirectory: String, jarDirectoryPrefix: String, fileEnding: Regex, tempDir: File = File(System.getProperty("user.home"),".spc"))

Copy a folder from inside a JAR-file to the host filesystem. The specified folder will be copied, along with all resources inside it, recursively, to the specified destination.





Path to either the JAR-file from which to copy a folder from, or to the class when running in a dev-environment. This parameter decides whether {@link #copyFolderFromJar(Class, String, String, String)} or {@link #copyFolderFromJar(JarFile, String, String, String, String)} is called.
Example for JAR-file: {@code /home/griefed/serverpackcreator/serverpackcreator.jar}
Example for dev-environment: {@code G:/GitLab/ServerPackCreator/build/classes/java/main }
See {@link ServerPackCreator#main(String[])} source code for an example on how this is acquired automatically.


Path to the directory inside the JAR-file you want to copy.


Path to the destination directory you want to copy source to.


A prefix to remove when checking for existence of source inside the JAR-file. For example, the ServerPackCreator files inside it's JAR-File are located in {@code BOOT-INF/classes} due to SpringBoot. In order to correctly scan for source, we need to remove that prefix, so we receive a path that looks like a regular path inside a JAR-file.


The file-ending to filter for.


Exception thrown if a file can not be accessed, found or otherwise worked with.