Package-level declarations

Common utilities used by various parts, projects, things, cheeseburgers. Mostly composed of smaller methods which are meant to do one and one thing only. Ya know, utilities.


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Utility-class revolving around Booleans.

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File-type to use, identify and report configured Java versions with.

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Utility-class revolving around various file-interactions.

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Filter-types by which to filter entries when walking through the files in a directory.

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Exceptions thrown if a specified de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.utilities.common.FileType is considered invalid.

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Exceptions thrown if a specified de.griefed.serverpackcreator.api.utilities.common.FileType is considered invalid.

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Thrown when access to a JAR-file errored.

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class JarInformation(clazz: Class<*>)

Stores values gathered by JarUtilities.jarInformation for easy access. Values stored and provided by this class are:

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Some utilities used across ServerPackCreator, revolving around interacting with JAR-files.

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class JsonException(errorMessage: String?) : Exception

Exceptions thrown if a JSON value could not successfully be parsed.

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class JsonUtilities(val objectMapper: ObjectMapper = ObjectMapper() .disable(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES) .enable(DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY) .enable(JsonReadFeature.ALLOW_UNESCAPED_CONTROL_CHARS.mappedFeature()))

JSON-based utility methods for acquiring and working with JSON from files and objects.

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Utility-class revolving around Lists.

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Utility-class to compare to versions of semantic-format against each other and determine whether one is newer than the other.

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Utility-class revolving around Strings.

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Utility-class revolving around the system we are running on.

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class Utilities

Access to any and all utility-classes we may have.

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class WebUtilities(apiProperties: ApiProperties)

Utility-class revolving around interactions with web-resources.

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class XmlUtilities(documentBuilderFactory: DocumentBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance())

Commonly used XML utilities.


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fun <T> MutableList<T>.addMultiple(vararg entries: T)

Add multiple elements to a list in one go.

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fun <T> concatenate(vararg lists: List<T>): List<T>
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fun File.create(createFileOrDir: Boolean = false, asDirectory: Boolean = false)

All parent directories are created, but not the file itself.

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Try and delete this file or directory quietly. Deleting something quietly means that

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Check whether any entry in this list ends with the given string.

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Properly escape certain characters, so it can be safely used inside text-files, variables and scripts.

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fun File.filteredWalk(filters: List<String>, filterType: FilterType = FilterType.CONTAINS, direction: FileWalkDirection = FileWalkDirection.TOP_DOWN, recursive: Boolean = true): MutableList<File>

Walk this directory and return all file-objects which match the specified filter-type using the passed list of filters.

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fun String.insertCharacter(index: Int, character: Char): <Error class: unknown class>

Insert the given character at the given index.

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fun ZipFile.isNotValidZipFile(): Boolean

Check whether this ZipFile denotes an invalid ZipFile.

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match the given string against all regular expressions in this list.

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inline fun <A, B> List<A>.parallelMap(context: CoroutineContext = newSingleThreadContext("parallelMap"), crossinline function: suspend (A) -> B): List<B>

Compute all elements in the list in parallel and continue when every element was computed.

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fun InputStream.readText(charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): <Error class: unknown class>

Read this input stream to a string.

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fun String.regexReplace(regex: Regex, replaceWith: String): String

Replace all matches for the given regex with replaceWith and return the resulting string.

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Walk this directory and return all file-objects which match any of the regular expressions in the provided list.

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fun String.replaceCharacter(index: Int, character: Char): String

Replace the character at the given index with the given new character.

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Acquire the size of this file or directory in bytes. If this file-object denotes a directory, then the size of all files in the directory will be checked and the sum of them returned.

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fun <T : Any> Class<T>.source(tempDir: File = File(tmpDir)): File

Acquire the JAR-file which contains this class. If JAR-file is a nested JAR-file, meaning the class is inside a JAR-file inside another JAR-file, then said nested JAR-file will be extracted to the specified directory, or your systems temp-directory, and that file will be returned by this method.

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Check whether any entry in this list starts with the given string.

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Test whether files can be written to this file denoting a directory. If this file is not a directory, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.

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fun InputStream.writeTextToFile(file: File, charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8): <Error class: unknown class>

Write this input stream to a text-file.