Web Utilities
Utility-class revolving around interactions with web-resources.
API configuration of this instance.
Create a HasteBin post from a given text file. The text file provided is read into a string and then passed onto Haste zneix which creates a HasteBin post out of the passed String and returns the URL to the newly created post.
Create a HasteBin post from a given string. The text provided passed onto Haste zneix which creates a HasteBin post out of the passed String and returns the URL to the newly created post.
Download the file from the specified URL to the specified destination, replacing the file if it already exists. The destination should end in a valid filename. Any directories up to the specified file will be created.
Download the file from the specified URL to the specified destination. The destination should end in a valid filename. Any directories up to the specified file will be created.
Get the response of a call to a URL as a string.
Get the response-code of a call to a URL as an integer.
Checks the filesize of the given file whether it is smaller or bigger than 10 MB.
Check the availability of the host of the given URL and whether the URL gives a status code of
Open the given uri in a browser.
Open the given url in a browser.