Api Plugins
Manager for ServerPackCreator plugins. In itself it doesn't do much. It gathers lists of all available extensions for TabExtension,PreGenExtension,PreZipExtension and PostGenExtension so they can then be run during server pack generation and during initialization of the GUI.
To read plugin-configurations, so they can be provided to extensions.
ServerPackCreator settings to be provided to extensions.
Version meta to be provided to extensions.
Utilities to be provided to extensions.
Add any and all additional tabs to the ServerPackCreator tabbed pane (main GUI). You may use this to add tabs to your own JTabbedPane, if you so desire. Could be pretty awesome to have your plugins extra tabs in a separate window!
Create config panels for the passed server pack configuration tab. Note that this method does NOT add the panels to the tab, it only creates them and passes the server pack config tab object-reference to each config panel, so they, in turn, may use any available fields and methods for their own operations. A given server pack config tab needs to add the panels which are returned by this method, so a user may make their configurations accordingly.
Get the global plugin configuration for an plugin of the passed ID. The configuration is wrapped in an Optional, because an plugin may not provide a global configuration. If you intend on using a global configuration for your plugin, make sure to check whether it is present before trying to use it!
Get the configuration-file for a plugin, if it exists. This is wrapped in an Optional, because not every plugin may provide a configuration-file to use globally for the relevant plugins settings. If you intend on using a global configuration, make sure to check whether the file is present, before moving on!
Run any and all configuration-check extensions, using the passed configuration model and the destination at which the server pack is to be generated and stored at.
Run any and all Post-server pack-generation extensions, using the passed configuration model and the destination at which the server pack is to be generated and stored at.
Run any and all Pre-Server Pack-Generation extensions, using the passed configuration model and the destination at which the server pack is to be generated and stored at.
Run any and all Pre-ZIP-archive creation extensions, using the passed configuration model and the destination at which the server pack is to be generated and stored at.