
class ConfigurationHandler(versionMeta: VersionMeta, apiProperties: ApiProperties, utilities: Utilities, apiPlugins: ApiPlugins)

Check any given PackConfig for errors and, if so desired, add them to a passed list of errors, so you may display them in a GUI, CLI or website. The most important method is checkConfiguration and all of its variants which will check your passed configuration model for errors, indicating whether it is safe to use for further operations. Running your model through the checks also ensures that the default script settings are present and set according to your pack's environment.





Base settings of SPC used just about everywhere.


Meta used for Minecraft and modloader version checks and verification.


Common utilities used all across SPC.


Addons and extensions added by external addons which can add additional checks to a given configuration check.


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constructor(versionMeta: VersionMeta, apiProperties: ApiProperties, utilities: Utilities, apiPlugins: ApiPlugins)


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val fabric: <Error class: unknown class>
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val forge: <Error class: unknown class>
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val legacyFabric: <Error class: unknown class>
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val log: <Error class: unknown class>
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val neoForge: <Error class: unknown class>
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val previous: <Error class: unknown class>
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val quilt: <Error class: unknown class>
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val whitespace: <Error class: unknown class>
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val zipCheck: <Error class: unknown class>


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fun addEventListener(configEventListener: SPCConfigCheckListener)
fun addEventListener(genericEventListener: SPCGenericListener)
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fun checkConfiguration(packConfig: PackConfig, configCheck: ConfigCheck = ConfigCheck(), quietCheck: Boolean = false): ConfigCheck

Check the passed packConfig. If any check returns true then the server pack will not be created. In order to find out which check failed, the user has to check their serverpackcreator.log in the logs-directory.

fun checkConfiguration(configFile: File, packConfig: PackConfig = PackConfig(), configCheck: ConfigCheck = ConfigCheck(), quietCheck: Boolean = false): ConfigCheck

Check the passed configuration-file. If any check returns true then the server pack will not be created. In order to find out which check failed, the user has to check their serverpackcreator.log in the logs-directory.

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Check for minecraftinstance.json and profile.json and if either is present, try to obtain the project- and fileIDs as well as the modpack distribution-platform (Modrinth or CurseForge).

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fun checkIconAndProperties(iconOrPropertiesPath: String): Boolean

Checks the passed String whether it is an existing file. If the passed String is empty, then ServerPackCreator will treat it as the user being fine with the default files and return the corresponding boolean.

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fun checkInclusions(inclusions: MutableList<InclusionSpecification>, modpackDir: String, configCheck: ConfigCheck = ConfigCheck(), printLog: Boolean = true): ConfigCheck

Checks whether the passed list of directories which are supposed to be in the modpack directory is empty, or whether all directories in the list exist in the modpack directory. If the user specified a source/file;destination/file-combination, it is checked whether the specified source-file exists on the host.

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fun checkManifests(destination: String, packConfig: PackConfig, configCheck: ConfigCheck = ConfigCheck()): String?

Check whether various manifests from various launchers exist and use them to update our ConfigurationModel and pack name.

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fun checkModloader(modloader: String, configCheck: ConfigCheck = ConfigCheck()): ConfigCheck

Checks whether either Forge or Fabric were specified as the modloader.

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fun checkModloaderVersion(modloader: String, modloaderVersion: String, minecraftVersion: String, configCheck: ConfigCheck = ConfigCheck()): ConfigCheck

Check the given Minecraft and modloader versions for the specified modloader.

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fun checkModpackDir(modpackDir: String, configCheck: ConfigCheck = ConfigCheck(), printLog: Boolean = true): ConfigCheck

Check the passed directory for existence and whether it is a directory, rather than a file.

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fun checkServerPacksForIncrement(source: String, destination: String): String

Check whether a server pack for the given destination already exists and get an incrementor based on whether one exists, how many, or none exist. Think if this as the incrementation Windows does when a file of the same name is copied. becomes foo (1).bar etc.

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fun checkZipArchive(pathToZip: String, configCheck: ConfigCheck = ConfigCheck()): ConfigCheck

Check a given ZIP-archives contents. If the ZIP-archive only contains one directory, or if it contains neither the mods nor the config directories, consider it invalid.

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Update the script settings and ensure the default keys, with values gathered from the passed PackConfig, are present:

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fun generateConfigFromModpack(modpackDirectory: File): PackConfig

Generate a PackConfig from a modpack-directory, resulting in a basic server pack configuration with default values, for an easy-to-use starting point of a server pack config.

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Acquire a list of all files and directories in a ZIP-file.

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Acquire a list of all directories in a ZIP-file. The resulting list excludes files.

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Acquire a list of directories in the base-directory of a ZIP-file.

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Acquire a list of all files in a ZIP-file. The resulting list excludes directories.

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fun getModLoaderCase(modloader: String): String

Ensures the modloader is normalized to first letter upper case and rest lower case. Basically allows the user to input Forge or Fabric in any combination of upper- and lowercase and ServerPackCreator will still be able to work with the users input.

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fun isDir(packConfig: PackConfig, configCheck: ConfigCheck): ConfigCheck

If the in the configuration specified modpack dir is an existing directory, checks are made for valid configuration of: directories to copy to server pack, if includeServerInstallation is true path to Java executable/binary, Minecraft version, modloader and modloader version.

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fun isZip(packConfig: PackConfig, configCheck: ConfigCheck): ConfigCheck

Checks the specified ZIP-archive for validity. In order for a modpack ZIP-archive to be considered valid, it needs to contain the mods and config folders at minimum. If any of manifest.json, minecraftinstance.json or config.json are available, gather as much information from them as possible.

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Convenience method which passes the important fields from an instance of PackConfig to .printConfigurationModel

fun printConfigurationModel(modpackDirectory: String, clientsideMods: List<String>, inclusions: List<InclusionSpecification>, minecraftVer: String, modloader: String, modloaderVersion: String, includeIcon: Boolean, includeProperties: Boolean, includeZip: Boolean, javaArgs: String, serverPackSuffix: String, serverIconPath: String, serverPropertiesPath: String, scriptSettings: HashMap<String, String>)

Prints all passed fields to the console and serverpackcreator.log. Used to show the user the configuration before ServerPackCreator starts the generation of the server pack or, if checks failed, to show the user their last configuration, so they can more easily identify problems with said configuration.

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fun printEncounteredErrors(encounteredErrors: List<String>)

Print all encountered errors to logs.

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fun sanitizeLinks(packConfig: PackConfig)

Sanitize any and all links in a given instance of PackConfig modpack-directory, server-icon path, server-properties path, Java path and copy-directories entries.

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Creates a list of suggested directories to include in server pack which is later on written to a new configuration file. The list of directories to include in the server pack which is generated by this method excludes well know directories which would not be needed by a server pack. If you have suggestions to this list, open a feature request issue on GitHub

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fun unzipDestination(destination: String): String

Update the destination to which the ZIP-archive will the extracted to, based on whether a directory of the same name already exists.

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fun updateConfigModelFromMinecraftInstance(packConfig: PackConfig, minecraftInstance: File)


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fun updateConfigModelFromMMCPack(packConfig: PackConfig, mmcPack: File)


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fun updatePackName(packConfig: PackConfig, vararg childNodes: String): String?

Acquire the modpacks name from the JSON previously acquired and stored in the ConfigurationModel.